Monday, November 19, 2012

Fad Diet Fast Facts

As it becomes winter most of us start to worry about all of the food that we'll be eating come the holidays.  And an increasing number of people are looking into ways of dieting that will help them avoid being overweight. The problem these days is that dieting has become a fad of sorts, and every time you turn around, there’s another diet people are swearing by. And while some of them may be solid, safe options, others might be misunderstood. 

Yahoo! Shine blogger Janet Lee took a look at some of today’s most popular diets and offered some advice to readers who are thinking about trying one out. Let’s take a look at what she found out:

Green smoothies are highly concentrated mixes of green veggies and fruits. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and are an easy way to get all your servings of produce in. But they’re low in calories and shouldn’t be used as a meal replacement.

Gluten-Free diets are really only necessary for those with Celiac’s disease or sensitivity to gluten. But limiting gluten intake can be a good way to cut calories, and it’s perfectly healthy to live without it.

Chia Seeds are filled with Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, and soak up liquid to help fill you up. They can be a great way to add more fiber and omega-3 if your normal diet is lacking.

Bee Pollen contains large amounts of carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins and can be sprinkled on various foods. It’s been used for centuries in Chinese herbal remedies, but there’s not yet conclusive scientific evidence of its benefits. It’s certainly not harmful to give it a try if you’re interested.

Coconut Water is slightly sweet and milky. Quality brands are high in potassium and electrolytes. It’s basically an all-natural sports drink, and while it can be used as a substitute for water, be sure to remember that it contains about 5 calories per ounce.

The Paleo Diet emphasizes a more all-natural diet full of fish, meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It cuts out dairy and most grains as well. People adhering to the diet tend to rapidly lose weight because your body begins metabolizing fat differently. And though it can be difficult to cut out carbs, sugars, and processed food, it’s perfectly healthy and a good way to reduce your risk of obesity and heart disease.

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