Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rocky Top Marketing Recognizes Our High Roller of the Week!

This Just In...

 Brandon "The Baller" Gantt is Wanted For Being... sexy? Nope, for being Our High Roller of the Week!

How do you deal with challenges?


I Attack them Head on with All my effort, until I overcome them.

What is the best advice someone told you?

Don't sweat the small things

What is the best advice you can give me?


Never Confuse activity with progress

What is it that makes you successful?

Preparation and Determination

How do you maintain your success?

I keep my eyes on the prize

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rocky Top Marketing Group is Proud to Announce Promotions of our 2 Newest Leaders to the Office

Kaitlyn Freed- "I'm Dandy as a Lion"

Kesha Broyhill - "The Question is not who is going to let me; its who is going to stop me"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rocky Top Marketing Recognizes our Leader of the Week!

Jerimiah Womick

Who Am I: 

Well after my second breakfast I joined my good friends on a small adventure.






 Once I returned from that I went to this college, maybe you heard of it.


and who knows what I will do next...  


Maybe own a business, that develops individuals and provides opportunity for them to be successful in life.




What Do I Love: 



What are area's I can improve on :

When Should I Act:

When there is a chance to get better, ie... always!

Why Am I doing this:

Opportunity doesn't exist everywhere, but it definitely exists here.  Once that opportunity presents itself you either take it or lose out on it.  I took it and will give that same opportunity to others, Oh and Bob is awesome.


Rocky Top Marketing Group Recognizes our Grand Pooh-Bah of the Office! Teach us oh Great one.

Jerimiah Womick

How Do you Deal with Challenges?   

I Remember this:

What is the best advice someone told you?

Don't Make Emotional Decisions, they lead to regret later in life.


What is the best advice you can give someone?

Don't sweat the small things or it will turn into big issues

What is it that makes you successful?

The Confidence I earned through expanding my comfort zone

How do you maintain your success?

I hang out with people more successful then me, so I can always be learning

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rocky Top Marketing Group Recognizes our Big Dog of the Week

Brandon "The Baller" Gantt

Hometown:  Knoxville, TN 


Favorite Quote: "Go Big or Go home"
Favorite thing about working here:   The ability to GROW !

What Got you to your Goals:  My student mentality; taking what I have learned here and applying it everyday allowing it to become second nature so I don't over think and complicate it. This allows me to relax and have fun with the people that I talk to every day.

Rocky Top Marketing Group Recognizes out Leader of the Week

Will Oneill

Hometown: Macon, GA

Advice: You are where you deserve to be, if you don't like where you are then work harder to change it

Why were you chosen this week: I let my actions speak for my words; by setting a great example for others to follow

Where do you want to be in 5 years: Running a prominent business, that creates opportunities for those next great leaders

What motivates you the most: Freedom to do as I want, when I want