Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rocky Top Marketing Group Baller of the Week!!!!!

Her Name: Sarah Morris

Her Hometown: a little place on the map called Oak Ridge, TN. They really aren't famous for anything...except the atomic bomb. Maybe that's why she's so explosive of a leader!!!

Her Hero: her dad. "My Dad has taught me everything I know about life, love, relationships, and succeeding despite overwhelming odds. He always taught me that if I wanted to succeed in life I have to look at it like a game of chess, if I'm always three steps ahead I'll never be behind!"

Her favorite qoute: When we asked her what her favorite quote is she referred to everybody's favorite Hobbit creater....J.R.R. Tolkien. "Faithless is he who turns around when the road darkens."

Her favorite thing about working here: "Aside from the amazing opportunity that Rocky Top has given me to succeed in my quest of taking over the world, I also get to work with the coolest people in Knoxville, and I don't mean temperature wise! :)"

What got her to her goals and beyond: The determination to never give up on anything! To quote the infamous Babe Ruth, "It's really hard to beat the guy that never gives up."

Sarah's so determined she's doing some research on The King of basketball to find out what it takes to be The Queen of everything!!!!!

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